By Super User on Sunday, 30 October 2022
Category: Uncategorized

Is a Hot Tub Good for Lower Back Pain?

Yes, depending on the cause of your lower back pain, a hot tub can help you get some relief. In fact, there are several types of heating that can give you temporary relief. However, if there's an underlying injury causing your pain, it will always come back.

In this post, we're going to look at the causes of low back pain. We're going to discuss how heat (like from a hot tub) can provide temporary relief, and how chiropractic care can provide permanent relief.

According to the American Physical Therapists Association, lower back pain is the primary disease that keeps adults from working or functioning normally. Even if you have an active lifestyle, it can be challenging to avoid back pain as we age.

Causes of Lower Back Pain

Several different factors can cause lower back pain. One of the most common reasons why people experience lower back pain is because they have poor posture. When you slouch and fail to engage your core muscles, your spine is at risk of experiencing pain and discomfort.

Here are a few other causes of low back pain:

Okay, now that we know what might be causing your back pain, let's talk about some ways to temporarily relieve that pain.

Hot Tubs (and Other Heat) to Help Low Back Pain

Using heat and ice to treat pain has been a popular idea for a very long time. Heat can help in the healing process by opening blood vessels, improving blood flow and loosening muscle tension. Here are a few popular ways people use heat to treat back pain:

Again, there's a catch. You may get temporary pain relief from applying heat. But if there's an injury or other condition that's causing your lower back pain, it won't last. You can spend hours upon hours in a hot tub and still deal with chronic pain your entire life.

That's where a chiropractor comes in.

Chiropractic Treatment for Lower Back Pain

Chiropractic is a safe and proven treatment to relieve neck and back pain. Too many people believe myths about chiropractors being unsafe or ineffective. The truth is that chiropractic is your best shot at figuring out the cause of your pain and relieving it.

Here are a few ways that a chiropractor can help you relieve your lower back pain:

Use the Hot Tub, but Get Long-Lasting Pain Relief

So there you have it. Are hot tubs good for lower back pain? Yes. However, they're not the definitive treatment you need. If you live in the Denver area, contact Greenwood Village Spine, Injury, and Chiropractic to get evaluated and start feeling better after your first visit.